Tuesday, 2 February 2010


It may take six pilots to fly a TARDIS properly, but it only takes three to review episodes, theorise erratically and generally nerd out. So, in no paticular order, I give you:

Name: Josh
Age: 16
Favorite Doctor: Tennant, though Baker comes a close 2nd
Favorite Character (apart from the Doctor): The Master, although I think Wilf is brilliant =P
Least Favorite Character: either the eighth Doctor for wasting a regeneration, Lady Cassandra or the Sisters of Plenitude (stupid cats!)
Favorite Episode: Hmmmm, either Silence in the library + Forest of the dead, or Utopia - Last of the Time Lords (I like the more-than-one-parters)
Least Favorite Episode: Love and Monsters (pointless!!!)
Favorite Quote: "State your name, rank and intention" "The Doctor. Doctor. Fun."


Name: Nikki
Age: 15
Favorite Doctor: It's a tie between Eccleston and Tennant
Favorite character (apart from the Doctor): The Master
Least favorite character: The Lara Croft wannabe from Planet of the Dead. See, I don't even remember her name she was that pointless...
Favorite episode: The Sound of Drums.
Worst episode: THE FREAKING GIANT WASP. Which was clearly the procuct of some 'special' brownies in the writer's room....
Favorite quote: David Tennant: *shakes fist* BARROWMAAN! (ok, so not a Doctor Who moment, but still amazing)


Name: Sophie
Age: 15
Favorite Doctor: David Tennant
Favorite character (apart from the Doctor): K9. And then the Master. Because everybody loves the crazy lunatics and pets.
Least favorite character: I never really liked Martha...and pickled doctor's hand? What.
Favorite episode: Midnight. Down right creepy.
Worst episode: Partners in Crime. Terrifying fat blobs? Blobs of fat?!
Favorite quote: Ida Scott: "Really though, Doctor, who are you?" Doctor: "Oh...The stuff of legends..."

So, let the geekiness begin!
Geronimo ALLONS-Y!

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