Friday, 12 February 2010

In the unlikely event you are tasted by a dalek...

Here I am now saying that I HAVE come face-to-face with a dalek. And been inside one.
It was brilliant!
But no-one found me scary, which is the problem.

At the Doctor Who exhibition in Manchester a few years back I got the opportunity to hide inside a life-sized Dalek and attempt to scare the pants off anyone who turned the corner. It was all in place, the voice-distorter, the laser beam, the robotic movements...
A young family turned the corner and I waited for my moment to strike, I had to think like a dalek. So without a second thought I turned to them and yelled "EXTERMINATE!!!!" at the top of my voice. I was even scared by my performance!
But the boy, he must have been about 12, turned to his parents and said, "Oh. Look. One of THOSE."
I felt like crying.
Why are you not screaming in fear???
They walked on past me without a second thought.

You see in this modern day and age you read stories of people being stabbed and things all the time, The way you describe Dalek's of having no emotion, ready to kill, bloodthirsty even... it's kinda become more common for baaaaad people to go out and kill for no reason, without a second of consideration.

Of course, the daleks do this on a much bigger scale. But are they the same as psychopathic people who kill for no reason?

But of course you're at an advantage with the Daleks, they come with a survival guide!!

You don't get psychopaths with survival guides!!!!

(But I'd love to make one!)


P.S I totally agree with you on the Cybermen too. That annoys me. One left can create billions more??? Russell T Davies - Have a word with yourself.

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